Callup List

North Callup List
South Callup List
East Callup List
West Callup List
Officials Callup List

General Information

- The County & surrounding areas are segmented into four groups (E, W, N & S) for call-up purposes
- The contact method is by: Radio Frequency Monitored, Telephone or In-Person if appropriate
- Callup order within a group is based on the most likely available amateurs listed first, in geographical proximity if possible

Frequency To Monitor

Any amateur who for any reason suspects that a communications emergency may exist in Alcona County or immediate surrounding area should monitor the 147.040 MHz (up 600 KHz, 123 Hz PL) repeater for instructions and assignments.

Alternate Frequencies

If the repeater or the backup system (2 Meter-440 MHz-2 Meter Crossband Repeaters) are not in service, the output frequency of 147.040 MHz (disable your offset) should be used. If the 147.040 MHz frequency is not usable due to interference, repeater lock-up, etc., then the 145.490 MHz, WB8ZIR/R (down 600 KHz, 100 Hz PL) should be used.  If neither repeater can be used, then use 146.535 MHz simplex. If the VHF/UHF band is not capable of providing the needed coverage, then the state 75 Meter phone emergency frequency of 3.932 MHz using an NVIS antenna system should be used by authorized amateurs.

Call-up Request

The ARES EC/RACES RO, the AEC's or a designated replacement will activate the Call-up S. O. P. based on the request of the County Emergency Manager, Deputy County Emergency Manager, National Weather Service (NWS) Skywarn Coordinator or other authorized official.

Authorized Official Will Contact the Call-up Leader

The authorized official will contact one of the following amateurs to request activation of the Alcona County Amateur Radio Group emergency communication system in the following order:
1st Stan Darmofal W8SZ, EC/RO, (H) 724-5550: If not available then:
2nd Cliff Dolliver N8HA, AEC, (H) 255-9624: If not available then:
3rd Dave Huff, W8HUF, AEC (H) 736-8545: If not available then:
4th Art Laatz K8AKL, AEC (H) 724-5802: If not available then:
5th Russ Stevens KC8KPV, (H) 727-2066: If not available then:
Contact one amateur from any of the four groups (E, W, N or S) to request activation of the system.
The person contacted by the official becomes the Call-up Leader.

Amateur Call-up By Group

The Call-up Leader will notify one amateur from each of the four groups requesting that they:
1) Contact the next person on the group's call-up list (going down the list until a contact is made)
2) Inform them of the emergency condition/special instructions
3) Check into the above noted repeater/frequency
4) Keep track of those not contacted, reporting the information to the Callup Leader/Net Control
5) Ask the next contacted person to continue down the group list following the same instructions

Updated on: February 18, 2019